Friday, July 17, 2009

VBS 2009!

This week was full of fun at FBCB! There is nothing like VBS at our church!

Real Estate is busy busy busy!! And it didn't stop for VBS. During VBS I closed 2, worked a successful contract on another, and showed houses to a potential buyer twice. So if that isn't a sign of an improving market, I'm not sure what is. Sit back and watch the interest rates rise....

Chris is at orientation today to begin working towards earning his LLM in taxation! I'm sitting in a hotel room, enjoying the silence and resting after the busy week, waiting for him to finish up.

I'm gearing up for homeschooling Hali again! Books have arrived, plans are starting to fall into place. I hope it is a good year for us both!

Hayden is very excited about his 2nd year at PCS. Had is excited about turning 5 and going to real kindergarten. Mama isn't ready to face that just yet.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

15 Years Ago....

Today is our 15th Wedding Anniversary. Wow, what a ride it's been. There have been some wonderful times. There have been some hard ones too. Amazing how God always sees you through them, and you grow closer each time.
I'm amazed to think that God could love me so much, that he'd give me such a loving husband and three wonderful kids. I simply could not ask for more. What a life. Looking forward to a lifetime of more memories with you, Christopher. You are my hero.
Off to the beach to celebrate Hali's 14th birthday next week. That's right folks, I'm old.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Getting back to basics....the All State way.

All State has been running a commercial these past few months about getting back to basics. It states that, since opening their doors in 1931, there has been twelve recessions. The commercial states that, during these recessions, folks get "back to basics" by enjoying the simpler things in life. Instead of spending all of their money going out for entertainment, folks spend time together with their families. They enjoy home cooked meals - severed at the table instead of around the tv! Go figure? It shows a basketball goal hooked to a family garage and a family loaded in a car, as if they were going on a 'Sunday drive.' Do people really do that anymore?

We've had a lot of stress lately. It is hard not too when all you see on the tv, read in the paper and hear on the radio is about the state of the economy. Not to mention that I work in real estate, one of the most effected, if not THE most effected industry during this mess. Add that to the mix of everyday stress and sprinkle it with the home-sickness and uncertainty of trying to figure out which church home your family belongs with and it leaves you with a big ole chip on your shoulder.

The Bible addresses worry over and over again. To worry is to sin, because to worry shows your lack of faith. I know, I know..... it seems impossible not to worry. We are parents, we love and worry about our babies. I'm a sinner and worry is my weak spot (among other things, but this is my biggie.) The Bible says:

Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 6:31-33 So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Last weekend, after a really awful week filled with worry, filled with tears and unrest, and filled with many, many prayers, God laid upon my heart to GET BACK TO BASICS. I found that I was eager to focus on my family and mostly to focus on my marriage. I have found over my long walk with the Lord that if I focus on God first, and then my marriage, everything else falls right in to place. My children are much happier when I stay focused on those two things first. When I was younger, I believed in "Children First!" I must have said that over 1,000 times. But I can honestly say that those years weren't our happiest, child included (Hali was the only one around at that point.) When I learned to put Jesus first, and my marriage second - trust me, everyone was better off for it, especially the children. Sometimes I lose sight of this, but thankfully, I'm back on track.

So last week, going back to basics, we ate every single dinner at the table as a family. I've always done a lot of cooking and we eat 80% of our meals at home, but there are many nights that we don't eat around the table, or that we eat at different times. Eating around the table and asking everyone "What's the most important thing you did today and why?" is a fun family moment that the kids cherish, and so do the old folks. If I need a laugh, I don't need to look to the television, just to the kids!

Chris and I both took extra time with each other last week. An extra hug here and there, two or three extra "love you" through out the day really makes a difference. This weekend, after Chris and Hayden returned from their overnight trip to the USS Alabama, we planted a garden! No, we don't have green thumbs. Yes, most of what we planted will more than likely not make it, but we did it anyway. It was fun, the dirty kind of fun. In fact, I still see a little dirt under my nails as I type this. Let's see, we have lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers, carrots, lima beans, broccoli, cauliflower, water melons and sweet basil. I'm sure I'm forgetting some. I've always heard that gardening is relaxing so hopefully our family will have a nice relaxing time tending to it.
I have such a peace about things right now, and I feel like the rest of the family does as well. The commercial is right:

"It's back to basics....... And basics are good."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I've been a bad, bad blogger!

Ok, it's been a while. I didn't realize how long until just now. I've got to say, I'm addicted to Facebook!!!!! I have thrown my little blog to the way side....cheated on it with another. I LOVE facebook!!! It is a wonderful place to keep up with family, catch up with friends you haven't seen in YEARS and make new friends!! Who could ask for anything more in a website? And with Chris and Hali members, it is a fun way for the family to interact. Love it, can't say enough about it, would trade it for this blog in a heartbeat!

Now, excuses aside.....I can't neglect by blog altogether. Lots of things have happened since my last entry. Mainly with the boy.

Hayden's PANDAS returned in January. It caught me off guard and hit me like a ton of bricks. Hayden came home from school one Friday blinking. Did I say blinking? How about rapid blinking. Blinking that makes your eyes water to look at. Blinking that makes you blink, rapidly. At first I thought it was dry eye. I bought Visine, I dropped it in his little change. Now, let me back track and say that he had missed a couple of days of school the two weeks prior here and there b/c the "thought" the might throw up. I chalked it up to a stomach bug.

Back to the blinking. So the Visine didn't cut it and the blinking was driving me up the wall. Hayden didn't notice that he was blinking, and the blinking didn't seem to hurt his vision. So, come Monday I had decided that we needed to see the eye dr. I decided I would check with my pediatrician first so I called and described the rapid blinking to the nurse. She told me to bring him right in. Still, I was thinking eye infection.

I was shocked when the doctor said this was his PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) flaring up again. This time in the form of a tic disorder, Tourette's Syndrome. In the past it showed it's ugly head as OCD. PANDAS can cause symptoms of Tourettes, OCD and Autisum. Hayden has not suffered a flare up since the Fall/Winter of 2007 so this was the last thing on our minds.

I'm here to say that during times like these you find out what many blessings God has given you. You find out how blessed you are to have a loving and supporting family. You find out who your true friends are, those who stand by you, who check in on you and who most importantly lift you up in prayer. You find out that the Lord has a plan for you, and picks the most loving and caring person to be your sons teacher, months before you get into the situation that you need a kind and loving teacher more than ever.

Here we are in March, and the boy is back to normal. It comes and goes in waves. He has made it to school two weeks in a row now with out missing or calling home. I'm proud of that little man!!!

After months and months of praying about it, we have a peace about deciding to send Hayden back to school next year. With his "issues" we feel that his school is the best place for him. This school is amazing. These folks love the Lord. It shows in everything that they do. They love the children. They push the envelope on teaching the children - going above and beyond unlike anything I've ever seen. Even the smallest things, like getting an email on my phone each time he takes an AR test warms my heart. That little message lets me know that Hayden is having a good day and functioning well at school. I look forward to those emails, maybe more than I should.

Hali and I are rockin' and rollin' on the homeschool front! I LOVE homeschooling her! I've learned more about Hali this year than I have in years prior. We have found our groove and it works well! I've already begun to order the curriculum for next year. Hali will do a blended 8th/9th grade year next year. We are going to play catch up since I held her back in kindergarten. This past week she went to a private school in Clinton to sit for the SAT. I want to keep her test taking skills up for college. Did I say college? Oh, my baby is growing up too fast!

Had will go back to her small kindergarten for K5 next fall. It was hard to decide what to do with her. I'm still not sure if she will be homeschooled or go to Hayden's school for 1st grade. I'm leaning towards homeschool. I would like to get more involved with the homeschool community and that is hard when you are going back and forth in the car rider lines. I recently talked with an adult who was "unschooled" and that has really peaked my interest. It's hard to think outside of the box, past what I am use to as far as school goes. But I'm trying.

We have enjoyed visiting a new church for the past couple of months. Hayden still misses our church, but Hali feels much more at home at this new church that we are visiting. We've enjoyed the fact that the Sunday School class that Chris and I have been visiting is made up mainly of folks from our church - it's like home away from home. Some have joined this new church, some are like us, just visiting. This church we've been visiting has LOTS of homeschooled families. That has been great for me. The preacher really hits home with his sermons. I'm torn because, you know me, you know I like to be ACTIVE!!! I'm a helper bee....and when you aren't a member, there isn't much you can do to help. On the other hand, I hesitate to move our letter until we are sure that we are doing what the Lord is leading us to do. So we wait, we pray and we listen with open hearts.
Chris is doing good. He is enjoying is bike and spending lots of time with the kids riding. He is coaching Had's soccer team this year and he really loves it. He has some GREAT kids on his team. Of course after Had BEGGED to play soccer, she now hates it and cries at the games. Wouldn't you know..... but it doesn't stop Chris from loving it.

Work has been BUSY! Houses have started to sell, finally!!!!! I've met some great folks in the business recently and have made some great new friends. One especially that I feel God placed in my life for a reason. Someone I could be friends with forever. A fellow Prayer Warrior! So that is what I value more than the extra money that real estate puts into the bank.

I'm working on starting a new's a secret, but trust me, you'll know when I get it off the ground! It's going to be a blast!!!

If you are reading this....I wish you many blessings. Be thankful for what God has given you. Kiss your babies..... look outside and thank Him for the beauty that you see.....know that Jesus loves you. No matter how bad things may seem in this world today, count your blessings. God is so good to us. Love one another.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Busy Times!

Wow, Christmas and New Years flew by so fast!!!! It is funny how fast time seems to fly when you have children. They grow so fast, it really makes you realize just how fast and brief our moments are with them.

I don't really have any news to post. Honestly, I was just sick of seeing the snow pictures from the last post, so I needed do something!!!

Real Estate is finally picking up! Shocking but true! I have two closing next week, and one is on one of my listings! yeah! A Crossgates house, in my neck of the woods. So I hope that this is a sign of things to come. I'm getting a bunch of calls about my other listings, so I think we will start to see progress.

Homeschooling is going good. I'm trying to plan a weekend trip for Hali & I to explore a subject that we've studied. Easier said than done, but I'm sure I'll think of something soon. She is such a joy. I'm still praying about whether to continue homeschooling next year, or putting them all at one private school. It's a very hard call. Hayden LOVES his school, but it doesn't go past 6th grade, and Hali is way past that. I'm just waiting for my answer.

I'm sticking with my New Years diet! Do far, so good. 15 pounds since Jan 5th. Hard work, but I feel great. Being busy with work helps keep my mind off things.

Chris' birthday is next week! 37 and as cute as ever.

Hadley LOVES her new room, now that she finally gets to sleep in it! I'm afraid I put it off until last, and used it as a store room after the remodel. I cleared it out this weekend. She plays in it nonstop. I've noticed the last 2 days Hayden has stayed away from guitar hero, and instead has played with Had in her room. Who knew? If I had known, I would have cleared it out a month ago. I can hear their giggles echoing throughout the house. They play so well together. I hope it stays that way.

The house in Crossgates that I sold was to a brother and sister who have decided to move in together in their golden years, to take care of each other. To watch them interact was so sweet. They seems to get along wonderfully. I can only pray that my kids will love each other like that when their time comes. That is the main reason we had three children. We wanted to be sure that our kids would have each other when we were no longer here. Both of Chris' parents are only children, and my dad lost his only brother a few years back. We wanted to be sure that our kids would have each other because you never know what God has in store.

Well, enough rambling. I'm off to bed! It's late and I've got a home inspection in the morning. Until next time! Here are pictures taken in November of us getting Had's room ready!

Busy Times!

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Coming on Christmas.....

But we aren't cutting down trees. We went fake this year for a change from last year. We've been so behind....ok, I'VE been so behind since our Disney trip. If I ever say I'm going the week of Thanksgiving again - somebody drive over here and slap me.

Last week we had SNOW!!! I know, snow in Mississippi - unheard of! But we did and we enjoyed two days off from school! YEAH! It was so nice, so peaceful. Since Chris works within walking distance he went on to work :-( But the kids and I enjoyed making snow angles, snowmen and a small snowball fight.

We are busy getting ready to wrap up school for the year! I am desperately trying to get Christmas cards out and work on my health savings account before the year is up.

We made a heart breaking decision this weekend. Will go into more detail later. We are praying for God to send us in the right direction. I wonder what door will open up next?